
Contact your representatives today!

The following was sent by The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police: We strongly urge all members of IPPAC and their families and friends to contact their legislators as soon as possible to express their opposition to HB163. Links to file electronic witness slips & contact information for State Reps & Senators are below.

Illinois’ Voice of Professional Law Enforcement Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police LEGISLATIVE ACTION ALERT January 8, 2021 www.ilchiefs.org

ACTION ALERT: File electronic witness slip NOW opposing HB 163 and continue to contact your reps and senators to express opposition

There will be hearings in both the Illinois House and Illinois Senate on Saturday, January 9, 2021, on the so-called police reform bill, HB 163 SA2. The Illinois Chiefs are opposed. We must alert our state reps and senators about our opposition before the hearings begin. Please do two things right away:

  • File an electronic “witness slip” against the bill. See the link below. It takes two minutes or less to do this, and we need to show strong opposition statewide. If you cannot “represent” your department or city on the witness slip, you can write “Self” in that field. Where it says SUBJECT MATTER, click the drop-down list and selection HB 163 SA2.. Make sure you indicate you are an OPPONENT and you are filing a RECORD OF APPEARANCE ONLY. To file a witness slip for the Senate committee, click here: File a Witness Slip Here  
  • Continue to contact your state reps and senators and ask them to oppose the bill. All legislators need to be contacted, but in particular we need to reach Democratic members because they have control of both chambers.

We will have information about the House committee link when it is available. To help with your message, here is the statement we released yesterday:

New statement from Law Enforcement Coalition that includes the Illinois Chiefs:

January 8, 2021 “The Illinois Law Enforcement Coalition was not consulted nor did we have any input before the bill was filed. We continue to be opposed to the bill. “Over the last two days we have had conversations with the bill’s sponsors but we have not agreed to anything regarding the bill because it is inappropriate to try and ram through such drastic legislation during the Lame Duck session. “We are not opposed to police modernization and continue to be willing to sit down and work through the issues during the spring session when there is time to consult with all parties involved and find some common ground. This issue is too important and far-reaching to rush something through the General Assembly in the next few days. To do so is a recipe for disaster.” Ed Wojcicki, Executive Director ed@ilchiefs.org Sherrie Phipps, Communications and Member Relations, sherrie@ilchiefs.org Carmen Elliott, Assistant Business Manager carmen@ilchiefs.org Krista Kolis, Projects Director – Karen Fagg, Assistant to Executive Director Phone 217-523-3765; Website: http://www.ilchiefs.org Find Your State Rep Here Find Your State Senator Here